Super TET Exam Pattern 2022

The official notification for the SUPER TET exam 2022 is yet to be released by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board. Meanwhile, you can take a look at the previous year's pattern of the exam.

Subjects  Maximum marks
Language – Hindi, English, Sanskrit 40
Mathematics 20
Science 10
Environment and Social Study 10
Teaching Methodology 10
Child Psychologist 10
General Knowledge / Current Affairs 30
Logical Knowledge 05
Information Technology 05
Life Skill / Management and Aptitude 10
Total 150 marks

Detail Syllabus


 General Hindi

  • ??????, ????,
  • ?????,
  • ??????????,
  • ??,
  • ???????,
  • ????? ?????,
  • ???????????,
  • ???????,
  • ?????????? ?? ??? ?? ????,
  • ????????? ???? ????? ?????? -????, ???, ????, ???, ??????, ?????? ?? ????????

General English

  1. Active Voice and Passive Voice
  2. Parts of Speech
  3. Transformation of Sentences
  4. Direct and Indirect Speech
  5. Punctuation and Spellings
  6. Words Meanings
  7. Vocabulary & usage
  8. Idioms and Phrases
  9. Fill in the Blanks


  1. Daily life includes science
  2. Speed force
  3. Energy
  4. distant light
  5. Sound
  6. World of creatures
  7. Human body
  8. Health
  9. Hygiene and nutrition
  10. Environment & natural resources
  11. Stages of matter and substance


  1. Numerical ability
  2. Mathematical actions
  3. Decimal
  4. Localism
  5. Different
  6. Interest
  7. Profit-loss
  8. Percentage divisiveness
  9. Factoring
  10. Economic rules
  11. General algebra
  12. Area average
  13. Volume
  14. Ratio
  15. Logos
  16. General geometry
  17. General statistics

 Environment & Social Study

  1. Earth’s structure
  2. Rivers
  3. Mountains
  4. Continents
  5. Oceans and fauna
  6. Natural wealth
  7. Latitude and Longitudes
  8. Solar system
  9. Indian geography
  10. Indian freedom struggle
  11. Indian social reformer
  12. Indian Constitution
  13. Our governance system
  14. Traffic and road safety
  15. Indian economy and challenges

 Teaching Skills

  1. Teaching methods and skills
  2. Principles of learning
  3. Current Indian society and elementary education
  4. Inclusive exams
  5. new initiatives for elementary education
  6. Educational evaluation and measurement
  7. Initial formation skills
  8. Educational focus and administration

 Child Psychologist

  1. Personal variation
  2. Factors affecting child development
  3. Identification of learning needs
  4. Creating environments for reading
  5. Theories of learning and their practical utility and use in classroom teaching, special arrangements for the lamp belt

 General Knowledge

  1. Important Current Occupations
  2. Current Affairs
  3. International & National Events
  4. Important events related to the state
  5. Location personality compositions
  6. International and national award-sports
  7. Culture and art

 Logical knowledge

  1. Analogies
  2. Aeration and Region
  3. Binary Logic
  4. Classification
  5. Block and Calendars
  6. Coded Inequalities
  7. Coding-Decoding
  8. Critical reasoning
  9. Cube Number Series
  10. Puzzles
  11. Symbol and Notations
  12. Van Diagram and Dice
  13. Data Interpretations
  14. Direction Sense Test & Letter Series

Information Technology

  1. Information in the field of teaching skills
  2. Art teaching and school management
  3. Technical computers
  4. Internet, smartphones
  5. Useful applications in teaching, digital
  6. Teaching materials

 Life Skill/ Management and aptitude

  1. Professional conduct and policy
  2. Motivation
  3. Role of education
  4. Constitutional and original origins
  5. Penal and punishments are effective to use


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